When you have been assigned an internship student, try to follow the general procedure described below. Bear in mind that you should work with electronic documents so that you can build up a repository for future accreditation.
- Get in touch with the student.
- The student will give you the document Anexo_Tareas.doc which he/she should have filled in with his/her personal details, the details of the company, etc. as well as with a description of the duties to be carried out during the time spent at the company. Check the duties for whether they are appropriate to the degree being studied, and propose some monitoring activities and a schedule. Sign the document, send one copy to the student and keep one yourself.
- Tell the student that he/she needs to read the course guide of the subject for information on the objectives of the internship programme, the assessment procedure, etc. At the same time, notify him/her that an internship guide is available on Moodle.
- Inform all students that they must draft a final report of about 15 pages that will be worth 60% of the final grade for the internship and the results obtained. Also tell them that this report should be written using the template Memoria_final_estudiant_ETSEQ.doc, including the final assessment questionnaires.
- This report should be reviewed by the company's supervisor to:
- Delete any confidential information.
- Check that the report is about the tasks carried out
- Generally speaking, the report must be handed in to the tutor within two weeks of having completed the internship although there is some flexibility as long as the work is completed and handed in before the record for the exam session is closed.
- The supervisor from the company must send the document Evaluación_PE_ETSEQ_Supervisor.pdf with their assessment and a copy of the student's report attached. This is the copy that the supervisor must have approved and must coincide with the one handed in by the student.
- The assessment of the student must be noted down on the form Evaluación_PE_ETSEQ_Tutor.doc.
- The three documents _Tareas.doc, PE_Evaluación_PE_ETSEQ_Supervisor and Memoria_final_estudiant_ETSEQ.doc must be placed in a compressed file (.zip or some other common compressor) and uploaded to the folder Evaluación on the subject's Moodle, which can be accessed by the student.
These documents need to be created to show that, for the purposes of accreditation, the student has been correctly supervised and assessed.
- Get in touch with the supervisor at the company.
- Send the document Evaluación_PE_ETSEQ_Supervisor.pdf. He/she should make an assessment of the student, which will be 40% of the final grade.
- Explain that students must send him/her their reports to check that the tasks have been correctly described and to delete any confidential information.
- Explain that the supervisor's assessment document must be sent to the tutor with the report attached, and what the corresponding deadlines are.
- Decide with the company supervisor what the internship will involve.
- You must visit the company at least once not only because it is necessary for monitoring the internship but also because it is good for relations with the company.
- Enter the final mark for the internships of the students you are tutoring by following the instructions on the subject's Moodle.
Assessment model for company supervisors of ETSEQ internships
Contact details
- Coordinator:
- Ioanis Katakis
- ioanis.katakis@urv.cat
- Tel: 977 559655
- Office 305 - ETSEQ
- Administrative staff:
- Laura Cortés Currubí
- practiques.etseq(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- Tel: 977 559705
- ETSEQ, DEQ and DEM Management Support Unit
- Office hours: Monday to Friday from 11 am to 1 pm