Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Josep Maria Cruset Domènech

Josep Maria Cruset was born in Riudoms. He studied Chemical Engineering at the ETSEQ in Tarragona and later took a master's degree in Business Administration and Management at the same university. In addition, he was trained as an ISO and EFQM auditor. Professionally, he is a quality control technician at the Tarragona Provincial Council, where he has been involved in the administrative modernization process, although he is currently on leave of absence.

At the same time, he dedicates himself to another of his passions: farming the land. He works in the family business, which is dedicated to poultry farming and agricultural production.

Socially, he has always been involved in the daily life of his home town, and he works as a volunteer in various groups and is the driving force behind several initiatives. This concern for his home town prompted him to go into politics and he is currently mayor of the Riudoms Town Council and vice-president of the Tarragona Provincial Council, where he is head of the Municipal Assistance Service.