A step forward in your professional career
We prepare you to work at the company of your choice
We offer you the opportunity to study either the Master in Chemical Engineering (MEQ) or the Master in Environmental Engineering and Energy Sustainability (MEESE), while enjoying a grant sponsored by one of the participating companies which covers the tuition costs for the first year.
Join the program and do your work placement and Master's thesis at the sponsoring company during the third semester.
- Part of the Rovira i Virgili University, the public university of Tarragona.
- One of the leading university centers in chemical engineering throughout Europe.
- Part of the CDIO initiative, www.cdio.org.
- One of the schools worldwide implementing innovative learning methods within its teaching programs (teamwork, leadership, communication...)*.
- One of the 8 European universities of reference for the multinational Dow Chemical Company.
- With a high employability rate of our graduated students.
The ETSEQ is strategically located next to one of the most important industrial hubs in southern Europe.
With more than 1000 collaboration agreements for internships in companies**.
Chemmed is the most significant industrial, logistics, academic, and scientific chemistry cluster in southern Europe.
The WE awards are offered to versatile Engineering Graduates with an excellent academic background, who wish to study in English, are capable of working in teams and have vocation for leadership and innovation.
The awardees will enjoy free tuition in the first year of the Master's program and have the opportunity to do their internships and Master's thesis work in the sponsoring company.
Participation Conditions
Students from any university who are pre-registred to the Master in Chemical Engineering or the Master in Environmental Egineering and Energy Sustainability from Rovira i Virgily University can apply for the award. To receive the award, the student must have registered for one of these two masters.
To complete your registration you must send us the following information and documents to workexperience.etseq@urv.cat before May 31:
- Contact details, signature and date.
- Preference of companies for Internships + Master's Final Thesis. Please note that you must rank all companies of the second call (BASF, Basf Sonatrach PropanChem, Clariant, Covestro, Dow and Fluor) in numerical order of preference for a valid application.
- Academic record.
- Complete CV (maximum 2 pages).
- Proof of pre-registration for the master's degree in Chemical Engineering or the master's degree in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Energy
- 1 or 2 optional reference letters stating:
- The length of time you have known the applicant.
- Circumstances in which you have known the candidate.
- Ranking of students with respect to the current cohort: superior ...%.
- Comments regarding the candidate's academic/professional potential, qualifications, relevant personal characteristics, reasons for the suitability of the candidate.
The company commits to providing a brief description of both, the type of project it can offer and the matching professional profile. The descriptions will be made public on the website so that the applicant can stablish the preference of all participating companies. preferences.
The student must be available during the COMPANIES SELECTION PROCESS period for interviews in-person or on-line, see calendar for dates.
3. JURY:
The jury will be composed of a panel of evaluators from the ETSEQ assigned by the ETSEQ director or the person he/she delegates, and a panel of evaluators selected by the company. The ETSEQ panel will finally choose the winner considering the documentation submitted by the candidate, the applicant's prioritized list, and the priorities set by the company panel through interviews and/or other assessments.
The winning candidate will be selected primarily considering:
- The applicant's technical proficiency.
- The applicant's interpersonal skills.
- The applicant's motivation and suitability for the company's professional profile.
Winners of the ETSEQ Work Experience Award will receive both an amount equivalent to the tuition fees for the first year of the MEQ or MEESE Master's program and a diploma of recognition. The company will supervise the student during the academic year. If this supervision is positive, the student will carry out the work placement and the Master's thesis at the company during the second year. This finacial assistance is compatible with any other finacila assistance that the student receives.
Work Experience 2nd call Registration
From May 13 to May 31, 2024
Company selection process
From June 3 to June 22, 2024
Resolution 2nd call
June 25, 2024